Softwave Testimonials

  • Dr. Nick restored movement to my shoulder. I had lost mobility of my arm and I am know able to utilize it with little to no pain! Thank you!

    Sherryle M.
  • Dr. Nick is efficient, informative and kind. Great with kids and adults as well! My meniscus feels better already after one treatment, great for the entire family :-)

    Jessica L.
  • My son tore in MCL at the beginning of his junior year of football. The orthopedic surgeon said it would need a 12 week recovery so he was out for the season. Our chiropractor (Kennedy Chiropractic in Ankeny) recommended trying the Softwave Therapy available at DeRocher Chiropractic. After beginning the Softwave Thearpy, we saw the orthopedic surgeon and he was amazed at the healing he saw. He released my son to play after only 7 weeks thanks to the Softwave Therapy! He was back on the field and had no pain. Would recommend to anyone!

    Candi H.
  • Annie was experiencing pain and restriction in her hip area that was limiting her ability to perform on the soccer field. Even jogging became too much of a task. After attempts with PT showed no progress, we sought out hip specialists, but no specific injury could be identified. Dr. DeRocher worked Annie through a targeted chiropractic plan before recommending the SoftWave. But it was the SoftWave that finally brought true healing for her. After three weeks with Dr. DeRocher and the Softwave system, she was back to jogging, running, and playing soccer. Seeing her active and comfortable again was a blessing. We are truly thankful for Dr. DeRocher and the staff here.

    Audra A